Suddenly it’s all about peace and unity

Suddenly it’s all about peace and unity July 8, 2016

And our poor country that is so divided.  Just a day or so ago, it was all about this:

racist denial bingo

Funny how we start to see who really cares about people and who seems to exploit their suffering when politically convenient.  Hint: Those who were all about demagoguery and demonizing opponents when it suited them, but who are now running around invoking Give Peace a Chance, are not the ones high on the consistency of life meter.

Though I’ll give a hat tip to anyone today who is just worried about covering his arse after two days of whipping up partisanship and divisions by focusing on the shootings that fit their all important narrative.  At least they aren’t rushing to find some radical example of what group we should really loathe, despite the tragedy of yesterday.

That’s all I have  to say.   I won’t post the rest of the day, as my heart is heavy for those officers who were killed, for the multiple individuals killed by police officers, for their loved ones, and for a country where far too many see these things as either opportunities to exploit or nuisances to circumvent.

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