There are at least two ways to read what Trump said about Hillary and the 2nd Amendment

There are at least two ways to read what Trump said about Hillary and the 2nd Amendment August 9, 2016

One way is that he was telling his supporters to stand up for their rights and make sure the 2nd Amendment is preserved.  That’s one way.

The other ways is the way critics are reading it, that Trump was giving subtle marching orders to his pitchfork brigade of crazies to go home, grab their firearms, and take Hillary out with a shot to the head.

Charity demands I accept the least damning interpretation.  And if it was any other candidate I’ve ever known, I’d have no problem dismissing the worst interpretation as the usual partisan snipe hunt.  But it’s Trump.  The number of offensive, stupid, and outright bigoted and even hateful things he has said are legion, for they are many.  Even pushing charity to the breaking point, you’re still left with a hefty list of questionable, if not downright offensive, statements and rambling nonsense.

The best I can say is Trump has a horrible inability to express himself.   And if charity is demanded, then so is applying even the lowest standards to the person who could represent the United States in International affairs while having his finger near the button.  And by even the lowest standards imaginable, I’m afraid a person so unable to express himself in basic, civil and common sense ways has no business being anywhere near a White House tour, much less a White House residency.

UPDATE: Now that I’ve watched the actual statement, I’m coming to the conclusion that there is a third option: It was a joke.  A joke in poor taste, but as I answered below to one of the comments, it isn’t as if this brand of humor is new, or unique to one side of the aisle.  Now what the Trump people say is it was the first option.  So there you go.  For my part, I’m more willing to accept joke than anything.

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