I heart Columbus Day

I heart Columbus Day October 11, 2016

Here are a couple old posts I noodled about Columbus Day and the closing jaws of PC sensitivities that will soon see that day go the way of Jacksonian 20 dollar bills.   I seriously doubt the eradication of the Western tradition will stop there.  Even in elementary school, we didn’t learn about Columbus as some saintly god being, but as a flawed man who did bad in a violent age, but who also performed amazing feats of courage and daring that brought about changes for the better over the ages.  Because of that, I see the bad that Columbus himself did, but also the good.  I can also see the good in the people who lived, worked, fought and loved in these lands before Europeans came over the ocean.  But I also see the bad.  No doubt, some of it was as bad as Columbus, and some no doubt made Vlad Tepes look like Mary Poppins by comparison.  That’s how people are over the ages.

But in the usual vacancy that is the Multi-cultural PC movement, we condemn Columbus for everything done over the next five hundred years, insist that certain immigrants from certain lands and times have no right to claim pride in a new land they settled, and more or less ignore anything done by other groups, such as those same Indigenous People, or those rascally adherents of the Religion of Peace who get to walk the streets of Istanbul after having obliterated the Byzantine Empire, conquered Constantinople, and subjected its citizens to ongoing centuries of oppression and second class existence.  If we really, really, really cared about such things as Columbus’s sins or the suffering of people by conquering powers, then I dare say we’d be a bit more consistent in who we condemn, who we venerate, and who we forgive.  But as it is, it doesn’t take too much to see it’s not really justice or reparations for past wrongs that concern our modern warriors of perpetual discord.

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