A profanity laced tirade for those turning to the same old bigotry and intolerance in order to explain Trump

A profanity laced tirade for those turning to the same old bigotry and intolerance in order to explain Trump November 14, 2016

I hate to do this, because it’s not my thing.  In fact I’ve maintained all along, per my sons, that Trump with his vulgarities, hatred and bigotry is simply the candidate that the Facebook generation deserves.  Nonetheless, sometimes extreme measures must be taken, and I’ve heard enough discussions about the somewhat vague nature of swearing and vulgarities on the Catholic blogosphere to know that it can be defended if need be.  I do this because by today, it’s clear that entire segments of the progressive side of the tracks are hellbent on not learning the lesson.   So, before we go down that slide of ‘my bigotry is better than your bigotry’, perhaps some words from a rather upset commentator might be in order.

Again, a major disclaimer.  Profanity is everywhere in this, and it is not for young hobbit ears, even if he does have a British accent.  Nonetheless, maybe it will sink into a few before we begin lurching toward the same old bigotry vs. bigotry that has gotten us to this point in the first place.

Here is the link.  Watch with care, but please listen to what he is saying.  I wouldn’t post this if I didn’t think he had a point that desperately needs to be heard.

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