Mike Pence at March for Life

Mike Pence at March for Life January 27, 2017

Good for him.  Highest level official to speak at a March for Life rally.  If you are sincerely pro-life, your only response to this should be ‘good for him’, or ‘that’s good news.’  Does that mean the Trump team is off the hook?  No.  Does that mean if Trump advocates for other anti-life positions, such as torture, this covers it?  No.

It means we should look at this as a positive.  We don’t have to be blind or stupid.  But we don’t want to help minimize his message.  If our first reaction to his message that Life is winning is to double down and use it as an attack on other pro-life Christians, then we might want to reevaluate just where ‘pro-life’ is on our priority list.

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