Why God Shouldn’t Give Me What I Want

Why God Shouldn’t Give Me What I Want April 4, 2012

I remember praying hard for a job I wanted.
I engaged friends and extended family in the petition.

As a family, we bowed our heads and pleaded in earnest.
My heart was pure.
My motives were honest.
And someone else got the job.

Six months later, the position was eliminated.

Thank goodness He didn’t give me what I wanted.
But that hasn’t stopped me.

I’ve asked for increased recognition, for earthly rewards, for selfish, petty things. I ask and ask and ask. In retrospect, there are so many things I wish I had never uttered.

My petitions are simply misguided. You see, I ask that the pain be removed, forgetting that within the struggle is a victory. I ask that my finances be enriched, forgetting that it is in need that I learn trust. I ask for comfort, neglecting the struggle for character.

Midas asked for a golden touch — and he got it to his delight. But when his gold-encrusted food was inedible and his family and friends became gleaming solid statutes, it wasn’t so wonderful. We often pray for the wrong things for the wrong reasons.

And then there are the prayers I’ve prayed that aren’t selfish. For the wisdom to speak truth. For the Prodigal’s in my life – a wife, a brother, a friend. For the salvation of my coworkers, neighbors and family. For peace and justice and for the spread of righteousness. I won’t take those prayers back.

C.S. Lewis wrote, “If God had granted all the silly prayers I’ve made in my life, where would I be now?”

When I bow my head in thanks today, maybe I’ll start by thanking God for all the prayers he didn’t grant. I’m happy He said “No.”

“God, save me from myself.”

Joining up with Jennifer Lee at  Getting Down with Jesus 

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