Gilligan’s Island, Survivor, and the Evolutionary Theory

Gilligan’s Island, Survivor, and the Evolutionary Theory January 24, 2013

The long running “Gilligan’s Island assembled a cast of contrasting characters who had to work together for survival. The Skipper, Gilligan and the castaways pooled their talents and abilities so that all could return home.

Conversely, the television series “Survivor” pitted the island mates against each other in a Darwin inspired “survival of the fittest.” This is Evolution’s dirty little secret. When the theory is carried out to its natural conclusions, humans must continue to evolve. In order to evolve, we must eliminate the weak, helpless and less developed within our species in order for us to march on.

This march toward species perfection has led to the gas houses of Aushwitz and the robes of Klansmen in Mississippi. It has led to abortion on demand and the evils of Jack Kevorkian.It may one day roll into your neighborhood. As we compete for natural resources: food–water–air, who will survive? Who will make the choice? Who will stay? Who will go? Who will emerge as the ultimate champion in the human race? “Survivor” simply puts the ultimate death match in a slick game show package, appealing to our fears of an overpopulated planet earth.

The seventh billionth resident of planet earth was born last year. A little Phillipino girl was given the distinction. While her parents proudly held their newborn, world population control advocates mourned and lamented in the press. They imploring the UN to spend money to promote family planning and reproductive services in third world countries. One fact lost is that humans are simply living longer–our life expectancy has nearly doubled in this century alone. Naturally, the result is a higher population ‘growth.’

How many is too many?

The Creationism vs. Evolution debate goes way beyond the schoolhouse. It eclipses Kansas school boards or college science labs. It moves beyond the table talk of fossils and missing links and transitional species. The debate is about the human race and who will survive.

The Christian faith provides answers that mute the angry voices of the debate. Paul told us that there is “neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” These are not easy words for the evolutionist to swallow, for in the dog-eat-dog Darwinian world, there is no equality. There are only two groups: The dominant and the subservient. Only the strong survive.

As a Christian I comfort in the fact that we are created in God’s image. He told us to be fruitful and to subdue the earth. He gave us rule over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and over every living creature that moves. We were given the plants, trees and everything that has the breath of life in it.

We don’t have to worry about being one-upped. We do not have to fear “the next great species.” God made us stewards of this Great Creation to rule with love and respect.

In His love for us, we are the survivors.
But with great power, comes great responsiblity.

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