A different kind of revolution

A different kind of revolution April 29, 2009

We know Jesus as Savior, as Lord, as a perfect teacher. But rarely do we view him as a revolutionary.

Almost everything he did was completely opposite what others expected. At first, the zealots hoped that he would be their “go to” guy, the one who would step into the political arena and restore government. Finally.

But, to their dismay, he acted like he could care less about politics.

Instead, he came not to overthrow the government, he came to overthrow the grip of sin. His cleaning out of the Old Guard had more to do with the stain of humanity than the Roman swords. At last, Jesus offered a way out of the rut of simple lifelessness.

His teachings are full of living waters of life. And since he spoke them, bilions have drunk from them. Their refreshment has been real.

But few of us have taken the words of Christ to the next level. Few have allowed themselves the deep submersion into the pool of life. Most of us are content to idly sip on Sunday morning or over an inspirational book or an occasional Bible Study.

What a different world we would live in if Christians would take heed to the commands like:
Be at peace with all men”
“Die Daily to self”
“Submit to Authority”
Turn the Other cheek
“Love your neighbor”

Jesus spoke of another kingdom. He spoke of a life on this planet that was unlike any other experienced. His words are nothing without those who are willing to live out the life.

So how about you? What’s keeping you from living out this revolution in your home, your neighborhood, and your workplace?

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