A world without locks

A world without locks March 7, 2012

If you want to peer into my life, just take a look at my key ring.

I have a key to my front door, the back door and the door off the bedroom. I have a key to my car, my office and my desk. There’s a key to my gym locker and the lock for the shed. And then there are two mystery keys. I’m not sure I’m ready to get rid of them. Then there’s the remote key that unlocks the garage door.

All of those keys work the locks that make us safe. And yet, we are so insecure. 

Last fall I was at a retreat at Laity Lodge and to my dismay, nothing was locked. The guest rooms were open. The library was free to visit at all hours.  The main hall with all the equipment was open. The magnificent rooms that overlooked the River Frio were open for both dawn’s light and midnight’s lure.

And the kitchen was open, with an invitation to snoop around for a snack — anytime.

No locks. No barred windows. No deadbolts.

With all of security down, my mind was freed, my heart was open, and my soul exposed. I felt safe against the intruders, safe to be me.
And none of that stuff mattered. Because now, I didn’t have to worry about being found out. Interesting how exposure breeds freedom.

With no keys to turn, every door was open.
And I found honesty, sincerity, openness.

Completely safe.

“For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” 2 Tim 1.7

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