Beyond politics

Beyond politics December 26, 2008

We were recently introduced to a group of men and women who are trying to make a difference in the workplace – something near and dear to our hearts. These believers go by the name of Capitol Ministries are looking to establish a Christian presence in all 50 of the state legislatures across the country.

And, unlike almost every other group in the contry, these men and women don’t have any political agenda. “We are here to change hearts, not laws,” said Capitol Ministries vice president Sean Wallentien.

Now that’s refreshing!

The goal of the organization is straight-forward: To reach every political leader in the world, at every level of government, every year, with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Most national legislators get their start at the local and state level – and influencing their thinking through solid gospel living and presentation.

Despite the shrill commentary coming from both sides of the aisle these days, our answers are not found in politics. Our answers are not found in the tax code or abortion law or pre-natal education. They aren’t found in foreign policy or windfall profits. Our answer is found in the words of Jesus. “Come…seek….find.”

Please, share with a friend if you feel moved.

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