Bury your past, Part 1

Bury your past, Part 1 October 19, 2009

Ghost RiderImage by h.koppdelaney via Flickr

Technology blazes forward in many fashions, but none as remarkable as the computer chip. These chips perform faster and more accurately than ever. Yet, they pale in comparison to the human memory. Like a recurring movie, I can recall many things. Both the good times and the bad times receive equal play in the microprocessor of my brain..

Sadly, for many of us, the most poignant memories are of the slights we have received. We remember the snubs of friends, the insults of enemies, the slights by family. I still recall public humiliations from events on the school bus 30 years ago. Things that should have been erased from my memory bank long ago still crop up in my weakest moment.

I feel like a dog, who continually returns to the soft spot in the back yard and furtively digs up a bone buried long ago. Like an old friend, I return to hurts from yesterday.

Instead of living in the Past, I need to bury the past.

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