Can we ever trust again?

Can we ever trust again? May 23, 2012

Trust is a critical component — in the workplace, in the home, in churches and in politics. Nothing will derail good intentions faster than a lack of trust.

Many of our societal ills come from a lack of trust. Government manipulation of data to support the Vietnam War, capped by Watergate started the modern-day distrust of authority. Investigative reporters became a standard at most newsrooms.

And before you knew it, every authority figure was looked at askance, as if anything they said was a lie. Suddenly, liars were everywhere – or so it seemed. Prominent church leaders, politicians and journalists have all fallen from their precarious perches. Companies crumbled and took their shareholders and pensioners savings down with them.

Can we ever trust again?

Does a Christian have more credibility than a non Christian? I think we need to be clarions of truth, never stretching the truth for our own benefit. Our word means nothing when we say one thing and then do another. “Let your yes be yes.”

Trust isn’t complicated. It’s earned through words and backed by actions. I’ve learned this lesson the hard way, as I reap daily the bad fruit from lies told long ago.

What are your feelings on trust? Are you cyical, jaded and distrusting everyone? Do you find that your lack of trust causes you to limp along? What would life be like if you trusted again?

“Uphold me in the common strife
Give me the grace to work and plan
And in the marketplace of life
O keep me, Lord, an honest man.


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