Changing perceptions

Changing perceptions December 14, 2009

How does the outside world view Christianity?

Do they view evangelicals as a loving, compassionate embracing people?

The answer might shock you. The latest Barna group survey reveals some unsettling things about how we have

  • 91 percent of the world sees evangelicals as “Anti-homosexual.
  • 87 percent calls us “judgemental”
  • 85 percent call us “hypocritcaal”
  • 78 percent say we are “old fashioned”
  • 75 percent think we are “too involved in politics”
  • 72 percent as “out of touch with reality

I don’t think these numbers are fair, but perception is often reality. In our desire to be salt and light, as the cities on a hill for a world to see, this doesn’t bode well. We are missing the chance to make a difference.

I lay some of this at the feet of those who thought we could change the world through political majority, which I supported at first, but now regret. We aligned ourselves with politics, sleeping with a friend that later would betray us. We rose up with a voice, hoping that politics would do our bidding. Instead of rolling up our sleeves with the hard work of faith in action, we let government take over our jobs.

And in the end, we sullied our Saviors name, ruined our reputation, and perhaps lost an entire generation to the Evil One.

But maybe I am wrong. Some may think that these ‘low ratings’ are actually good things. “Rejoice when the world mocks you for My names sake,” our Savior said.

How can we change perceptions? Or should we? What do you think?
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