Did you miss out on that promotion?

Did you miss out on that promotion? December 3, 2009
We’ve all been there. We worked hard, putting in extra effort, staying late, doing everything that’s asked of us…and more.

And when the name is revealed, it’s not us. It’s the other guy who got the promotion. Then the emotions start. And then the accusations.

The boss was playing favorites”
“They promote their problems”
“He has something on the supervisor”

and so on.

It’s tough to be overlooked. It’s even tougher when everyone around you thought you were a shoo-in — and you weren’t. Some have even foolishly planned for the money, purchasing cars or gifts, planning on paying for them with the added money.

Prov. 22:29 tells us, Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will serve before kings;he will not serve before obscure men.”

Businesswoman climbing ladder 
I have to believe that in good time, all things will come. I’ve been overlooked for jobs, only to find out later that they would have been big blunders for me to take. I have been passed over, only to get something much, much better.
What’s your experience? Comment here.
Please, share with a friend if you feel moved.
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