Discovery Channel’s Planet Earth

Discovery Channel’s Planet Earth April 8, 2007

It’s not often that television programming gives us the opportunity to broach the subject of God with our co-workers, but for the next few weeks, this chance is available to us.

Currently playing on the Discovery Channel is the 11 part mini-series, Planet Earth. Painstakingly shot over 5 years, this expansive, brilliantly photographed series depicts our planet in ways most of us will never see in our lifetimes except for on film.

The grandeur of our planet is laid out in such a way that the intricate and delicate complexities of Earth our presented side by side with the the audacious power and force of nature. To watch this show and then consider the argument that this wondrous miracle of life sustaining power is somehow a cosmic accident seems absurd and ridiculous.

Thus lies the great opportunity to ask a fellow worker if they’ve seen the show and to consider the question, “Is this planet the result of random chance or intelligent design?”

For as Paul taught the Romans, an observation of the natural world should lead to the supernatural. It is intellectual dishonesty to ignore our planet’s intricacy and chalk it up to chance.

“For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.” Romans 1:20 NIV

(Planet earth is shown Sunday nights — and repeated throughout the week)
So, share with us your latest on the job discussion about earth’s origins?
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