Embracing Obscurity: Why Less is the New More

Embracing Obscurity: Why Less is the New More October 1, 2012

I just finished reading the  Embracing Obscurity, and there’s something about this book that hit’s me wrong. But as much as I hate to admit it, it’s totally right.

The whole world right now is about getting noticed.  If you are in business, just hunkering down and doing the work is no longer acceptable. There must be innovation, transformation and marketing of your idea. This is done in the boardroom all the way down to the boiler room.

Social media is all about standing out. We try to  write clever Facebook status posts, hoping for “engagement” and likes. Twitter reposts are validation and the accumulation of friends and followers is the modern day treasure chest of status. Everyone is trying to be the loudest voice in a noisy world.

Embracing Obscurity is written by Anonymous.   Right away I want to know the credibility of the writer, his theology, and his authority to speak truth.  Just a few pages into the book and I’m realized that by looking at all of this first, I was missing the point on this book – and maybe my entire existence

Contrast this with Michael Hyatt’s book, “Platform: Getting Noticed in a Noisy World.”The CEO of Thomas Nelson gives all kinds of advice on how to stand above the crowd.

Embracing Obscurity encourages you to fly under the radar, to let others get the attention while you go about God’s work. It’s about being faithful and trusting Him with the results.
He admits, “The thought of being just one out of 100 billion   people who have lived on this planet offends us.”

We all want to be somebody. Whether it’s an important opinion in the Bible study, a volunteer at the PTA, an innovator at work. If you are in the arts, you thrive on the cheers and adulation of those that admire your work.

Publishing today is a sad place to be for humble man or woman. Unless you can market and sell your product, which is really you the person, you’ll go nowhere. It’s the same in music.

But there are Scriptural exhortations by the dozens that remind us about the pride that precedes the fall, the first becoming last, and the fate of the proud. Why do we ignore them and press on with the deception that we need to be somebody to be anybody? This book should rattle ministries to the core with its thunderous message of less.

“We have a misguided search for significance – a quest for success, wealthy, notoriety, power, or be in some way, any way different,” the author writes. “When we accept that our value is not dependent on what we do or accomplish we are, ironically, liberated to do much for Christ.”

The book does more than just point out the consuming desire for attention. The author gives practical advice for keeping your head from swelling when the spotlight does find you, how to make a difference without calling attention to you as a person and how to grow to love the obscure life.
If you care to share your struggle with all of this, please leave a comment. I’ll randomly choose one person to send a copy of this amazing book. 

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free.
 I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255:
 “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
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