Guest Post: Angela Hough, “Small and Dirty Beginnings”

Guest Post: Angela Hough, “Small and Dirty Beginnings” June 20, 2012

A number of guest posters this month will be weighing in on “What I learned From My First Job.” Angela Hough is no stranger to the rigors of business challenges. Her vision is to equip business owners to produce eternal fruit while making financial profit. Angela Hough blogs at Journey of Kingdom Business. If you care to join the project, drop me a note!

Small and Dirty Beginnings

In 1986 I worked at my Dad’s tool and die business. We would arrive at 7:00, and I would be assigned the job of sweeping the floor with a push broom that was bigger than me. A more creative job was to clean and paint one of several milling machines, which I had the opportunity to do. Either of these jobs would result in grimy hands and arms. Bringing a change of clean clothes became my practice, so I didn’t get the seat of Dad’s truck dirty on the way home.

Out in the company parking lot one morning, Dad told me to hop on the forklift. My dreams were being fulfilled! I would finally learn how to drive this amazing piece of equipment. He verbally coached me as I learned how to raise and lower the forks while cautiously steering around different obstacles in my path. A moment of confusion happened as I maneuvered the forks higher instead of tilting, and suddenly I ran into Dad’s pickup truck. While he was watching.

My boss was kind, and fortunately forgiving, but he held me to a high standard. Dad taught all three of his children a strong work ethic through example. While on the clock, I was to be continuously busy. To be caught “messing around” was undesirable.

The work was sweaty, and on the surface did not prepare me for my current career. However, the value of a quality work ethic instilled caused me to know greater levels of responsibility in the future.

May you also receive favor.

twitter: @anghough

So how about you? For the next couple of weeks I’ll be highlighting voices from around the world, reflecting on what you learned at your first job. Send me a note here and join in! Click here to subscribe and not miss a single post. The Archive is here.

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