How to see the gain through the pain

How to see the gain through the pain November 21, 2011

In this traditional week of thanks, it’s not always easy for everyone to find gratitude. In fact, for some, there is a tendency for us to focus on the things we’ve lost.

For me, there is a nagging voice that tries to tell me to surround myself with the cloak of pity, to cower and hide in the dark. I ‘ve lost a life-long love to the world. I love lost both of my parents to death. I’ve lost friends to their own selfishness. Even my dog died. Sounds like a bad country song…

But when I focus on the loss, I miss out on the gain. And I must admit, I haven’t always seen clearly the gifts I’ve been given.

Photo courtesy of caitlin marie♥

Ann Voskamp, High Calling editor and writer of One Thousand Gifts was recently interviewed by World Mmagazine. Commenting on God’s sustainence of the Israelites on manna,  she reminded us that the word literally means, “What is it?”

I can imagine the wandering nation, with their daily bread miraculously appearing out of nowhere. Yet, they had no home. They had lost so much. They would look skyward, quizzically stating,  “We dont’ understand. This isn’t what we were expecting.”

Ann said this. “We can be sustained in situations where we don’t understand the why, but we can trust the Who.”

That’s what has propelled me forward. While I have lost things, I have gained so much. I have friends. I have life. I have opportunity. I have a future.

While not all of this is vividly clear, I can trust that God has it in control, that there is a whole reality that I’m gaining, day by day.

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