I don’t know where I’m going, but I’m sure making good time

I don’t know where I’m going, but I’m sure making good time April 12, 2010

Life’s difficulties are often purported to be solved in easy solutions.

12 Steps to an Alcohol-Free Life.
6 Ways to a Thinner You.
8 Shortcuts to more time.
The 90-Second Cook.

I have subscribed to many formulas in my life, looking a quick fix. I want something sweet to make me happy and a little treat in the box to give me goose bumps.I want a combo-meal existence. I want one price to meet all my needs and wants.  I don’t want complicated decisions, so instead I opt for combination number 1, 2, or 3. I want a bundle, a package, a deal.

At work we look for ways to organize our time. We spend funds on faster computers, bigger monitors, personal organizers, and syncronized cell phones.Yet with all these devices, we are still buried under papers and besieged by unexpected phone calls and pressures.

The modern family is simply a whir of places to be and things undone.

One bumper sticker sums it up neatly. “I don’t know where I am going, but I am sure making good time!.”

We must ask honest questions. Will the mother really be content when her children are grown? Will the worker be at ease when this project is finally complete? Will the college student be at rest after graduation?

The honest truth is that One struggle leads to another. One pressure gives way to another. One life difficulty is solved, only to breed another.

Do we shake our fists at heaven? Do we give up hope, in an eternal act of fatalism? Do we just plod on, marching soldiers in a sad march?

Or do we find a road home, a better way, a higher calling…?

Come all you who are thirsty, come to the waters”

Please, share with a friend if you feel moved.
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