I surrender

I surrender February 21, 2008

If I had one, I’d hoist a white flag at my desk.

Because, I give up.

I surrender.

And by end of this post, I hope you’ll do the same.

There are “barbarians” all around – competitors, coworkers, subordinates and bosses — and they stand ready to attack your reputation, your credibility and your honor.

How much energy do you spend, trying to keep the mockers at bay? Does it seem like you put as much effort into defending your ground as it does to complete the meaningful work in your chosen field?

Here’s a new battle plan, a new strategy — Surrender your work …. to Jesus.

This strategy puts all of the confrontations, all of the jockeying for attention and all of the pressure on His back. Suddenly, all of my problems become His.

A surrendered work life may not bring your fame or fortune, but it will bring you peace and freedom.

And here’s a warning, if you don’t surrender now, you will eventually cede defeat to someone or something else.

So give up now – and live.

“Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Matt. 11.29
Please, share with a friend if you feel moved.
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