Live With Honor

Live With Honor March 27, 2013

Some words never go out of style. Words like “love” and “bacon.”

But one word that is disappearing from our lexicon is “honor.” In fact, I can’t remember the last time I’ve heard in a normal conversation or read about in a publication.

Whatever happened to honor?

When I think of honor, my mind heads over to the middle ages, where knights lived by a “code of honor.”   These men fought for truth to the point of personal loss. Honesty, integrity, and doing the right thing guided their actions, spurring them to often dangerous situations.

And you hear the word “honor” in our military. Although I retired from the Air Force 10 years ago, I still heard it used when conveying our mission. I think things have changed as our social trends have been absorbed, but I still want to believe that honor drives our military men and women.

But I’m not sure honor is valued any more. We are more drawn to smarts, savvy, power, money, and might. When have ever elevated a man or woman for their honor? When do we do things strictly for the honor? 

George Bernard Shaw said this. “The most tragic thing in the world is a man of genius who is not a man of honor”

Over the next week I’ll be talking about honor. What does honor mean to you? Would you please consider leaving a comment about what honor means to you, where you see it on display? 
Please, share with a friend if you feel moved.
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