Losing my religion

Losing my religion April 28, 2010

A strange dichotomy exists all around us. 

The vast majority of Americans claim to know Jesus. But they call themselves “spiritual.” They have a visage of a Savior who has good moral teachings. He might have even come to them in a moment of personal trial to lift them up. To them, he’s an olive-skinned Galileen who slept in a manager, dressed in a robe, and got treated badly by the Romans. They might even go to church, claim to be a Christian and live a good life.

Thom Rainer of Lifeway Christian Resources says that most people are “just indifferent. The more more precisely you try to measure their Christianity, the fewer you find committed to the faith,” he said. “They are mushy.” Only 40 percent of evangelical young adults say that sharing the faith is important.  

It takes a conscious effort for many of us to convert our personal Jesus to a public Jesus.

I think I am too in love the “religion” of Christ — the sweet songs and happy thoughts. I love the comfort and safety of the four walls of faith, but don’t dare ask me to talk about it. I am often retiscent to share the most amazing thing I’ve ever known. I keep the secret of the ages a … secret.

We’ve been conditioned to not talk about religion and politics. “After all,” we’ve been told, “it’s a personal thing.” George Carlin said the 11th commandment was, “Thou shalt keep thy religion to thyself.”

Steve Taylor
Steve Taylor
Steve Taylor satirized this double think in song:

“It’s a personal thing, and I find it odd
You would question my believing in a personal God
I’m devout, I’m sincere, ask my mother if you doubt it
I’m religious, but I’d rather not get radical about it”
”I’m devout, I’m sincere, and I’m proud to say
That it’s had exactly no effect on who I am today
I believe, for the benefit of all mankind,
In the total separation of church and mind

We have a hundred reasons for keeping this God-thing to ourselves, but they are all shattered with this one verse from Jesus:

“But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven.” Matt 10.33

That’s enough to make we want to lose my religion…and find a Jesus that I can talk about.

Please, share with a friend if you feel moved.
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