If I lost my sight . . .

If I lost my sight . . . May 8, 2014

Walking through the deep forest, I stepped on a limb and it created a cartoon-like chain reaction that eventually had a tree branch careening toward my face. I turned my face just in time and the branch gouged my cheek.Ā Not my eyes!

Itā€™s interesting how we protect our most precious part of the body. Weā€™ll fling our hands in front of our face. Weā€™ll turn our backs to brute force. Weā€™ll do anything to protect the eye.

If we had a choice, we would sacrifice just about any body part in exchange for our vision.Ā IĀ love my sightĀ and countĀ the treasure ofĀ the visual wonders of this worldĀ  as some of my richest possessions.Ā But what if I lost my vision? What if the vibrant world of color suddenly became murky, void dark. What if the textures and hues from the sky disappeared. What if the grains and specks of detail were gone.Ā What would I miss the most?

Thereā€™s anĀ interesting photographyĀ projectĀ about those who were once blind whoĀ had their sight restored.Ā  Modern scienceĀ gave them a new cornea and a chance to see things again. They were given a camera and an assignment. Ā ā€œWhat did you miss the most when you were blind.ā€

But that got me thinking about the same question. What would I miss? If all the things I see right now were taken away, what would I remember the most?


Am I taking all of the wondrous things around me for granted? Creation? Family? Love? Wonder?Ā 

How about you? What would you miss the most?

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