No excuses

No excuses March 25, 2008

Dr. Ben Carson is one of the few black pediatric neurosurgeons in the world. As the director of pediatric neurosurgery at John Hopkins Medical Institutions, he also a professor of oncology, pediatrics and neurosurgy He is a sought-after expert teacher and speaker. With several books to his name, his opinions are well known. He performs more than 300 surgeries a year, with a world-known expertise in separating conjoined twins.

The man by all worldly standards, has made it. It’s amazing considering that his childhood was one of abject poverty, and he could have ended up like just like any other poor kid from Detroit. But a praying mother claimed God at His word and asked for wisdom for her boys. The prayers – and insistence on hard work – payed off. Running in the high circles of academia today, you would think that he would like to forget his past. Instead, he uses it to motivate and push others …. toward faith.

I used to hate my life because I hated being poor, he said.” He doesn’t accept it when others blame society, or their parents or the sins of the fathers. He says that his mother would always retort “do you have a brain?” when Carson wanted to blame others. In today’s world – where blame is rampant in the workplace, in our society, and in our homes – the message of personal responsibility needs to be heard.

But this isn’t just another story about a poor kid who did well. He firmly believes that God gave us certain talents – not to lay dormant, but to be useful to your fellow man.

As a Red Letter Believer, we are encouraged by his stand, by his faith and his firm commitment to his God.

Watch his testimony here about how he prays before surgery.

What him speak about his past.

“If we have learned anything in this life, it is that we should never underestimate what God can do if we just allow him to work.” – Ben Carson
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