No Strings Attached: Why is extending grace so hard to do?

No Strings Attached: Why is extending grace so hard to do? October 26, 2011

The idea of pure love among people is a tough concept. It seems as if every relationship comes with strings — those things from the past that we use to manipulate and control those closest to us.

It might have been be a conversation, a harsh word or an action done out of haste — or just stupidity. It might have been an act of volition, or insensitivity or vengeance. Whatever it is, the dirty past is a useful tool to taint a possibly pure future.

I’ve lived there for a very long time. I pitched my tent, warmed by the fire that was fed by timbers of new sin and misdeeds. I cooked my meal, eating from the dish of bitter roots and stale staples. I lived in the land without grace.

But I moved out. Maybe I was evicted. All I know is that I couldn’t live there anymore. And now this new land is beautiful. It’s one where I can look at others and extend grace — because it was first extended to me.

In this new house, I can dine with my enemy. I can laugh with those who dispensed anger. I am at peace with those who oppose me. I can give heaps of grace even when none is returned.

Grace isn’t fair. It isn’t meant to be. Some people deserve it more than others, yet when you live a life of grace everyone gets a fair and equal portion.

We’re not talking about forgiveness — which is a different animal that is far more complicated. But to extend a heart of love, without having all the details worked out is liberating.

Look at the relationships around us and what grace could do.

To the wife who is cold in her judgement, finding fault at every turn — grace.
To the father, stern look because everyone isn’t do things as he insists — grace.
To the church that has some sinners that happen to find their way in, looking for some hope — grace.
To the son who doesn’t agree with his circumstance, finding blame on his parents, his teachers, his mentors — grace.
To the worker, who has too much to do and not enough time to do it controlled by a boss who just cares about numbers — grace.

What a world we would live in if we had no strings attached.

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