None of that stuff matters

None of that stuff matters November 2, 2011

You’ve always dreamt about a big idea. Perhaps it’s small to everyone else, but to you, it’s a ginormous obstacle that you just can’t get over. 

You may be afraid, which is natural. Afraid of criticism. Afraid of failure. Afraid you just don’t have what it takes.

And you’re full of excuses, which means you’ll never have a chance to succeed — or fail.

So you go through your whole life wondering, waiting, hoping. But nothing gets done because you never pull the trigger, you never take the leap.

You might feel that the circumstances are against you — you are too old, too young, too poor, too inexperienced — to make it happen.

For me, I’ve always imagined the enemies — those that will oppose me in spirit or by will. Those who will criticize me or take my past and twist it, finding a way to strangle any effort.

Fill in the blank. I know I have. I can tick them off, one-by-one, all the reaons why I don’t or can’t or won’t. 

But here’s some good news. 

 Image courtesy of Pitel

None of that matters.

We are told that God chose the foolish things of the world, to shame the wise.
He chose the weak things of the world, to shame the strong.
He chose you.
He chose me.
Not for any special gift or talent, ability or power.
Because we are His. That’s all.
Really, we have no excuse.

And this video is a powerful one. Start watching it at the 34 minute mark. It is amazing, especially when you listen to the context at the end.

Please, share with a friend if you feel moved.
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