
Oblivious March 11, 2010

‘I had no idea it was that bad.’

We’ve all said that when we have had friends or coworkers who went through a major emotional change in their life. A marriage on the rocks. An attempted suicide. A deep depression. A loss of hope. Who knew?

We were oblivious to their need.

Most of our daily interactions are strictly surface relationships. We barely scratch below the well-crafted façade. A quick chat in the elevator or a hello past a cubicle. Nothing to it. Our verbal banter fills the airwaves with hollow talk. Listen to the conversations. “How are you?”

And of course, we are all “fine.”
But we’re not.

As Red Letter Believers, we need to stop and listen. We need to get beyond the breezy banter to the hearts of those around us. Rather than moving from one shallow conversation to another, we need to be better about asking questions – and listening for answers.

Given the chance, most of us will jump at the chance to minister to those around us. But if we wait for the obvious to hit us between the eyes, it may be too late.

What kind of questions do you think we should be asking those around us, at work, at school and in our churches?

 Comment here.

Please, share with a friend if you feel moved.
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