Poisoning the well

Poisoning the well February 15, 2011


I type the four letters slowly. You see, I’m not writing about a politician or a fraudulent businessman. I’m not writing about some scoundrel or gangster. It’s me.
I told a lie. I knew it as soon as I uttered the words, dripping like acid from my tongue, scalding a precious relationship. Scrambling, I found it Impossible to scoop it back in. And rather than rushing to correct the wrong, I covered the lie with another, creating a toxic waste zone.

History tells us that untruths have destroyed nations and companies. In our lives, they have undone relationships and caused friends to turn their back for good. One lie can destroy a lifetime of truth, ruining a stellar reputation. Although I may have deep well of integrity, a single drop of deception poisons the whole. All other facts are now questioned. Trust is broken.

Confronted and ashamed I didn’t know where to turn except to the life of black and white that I once cherished.  To those deceived, I can only offer the truth and a penitent heart. No money, no time, no words can bridge the gap.

While grace is a warming blanket that gives brokenness a chance, the consequences are often broad, maybe permanent.
And the title may never disappear. Liar.

Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.” (John 18:37)

How can the lie be repaired? What do you think?

Please, share with a friend if you feel moved.
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