
Serenity June 6, 2008

“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change”

Are things out of control at work? Between the boss and customers and coworkers, your influence is slowly being stripped away. Going through the motions, you get a nagging feeling that what you do just doesn’t matter. And what you have left in the end is an utter sense of powerlessness.

The first sentence of the Serenity Prayer asks for a simple, yet elusive feeling – “serenity.” This is that feeling of inner tranquility and calm when faced with obstacles and situations out of your control. We plead with God to provide us peace as we come to grip with our circumstances. We have to learn be okay with what is clearly out of our control.

Much of what we deal with daily at work. It’s a volatile mix of unhappy clients who want to make a change, managers who make unilateral decisions, looming layoffs, decreasing budgets, overlooked promotions and angry co-workers. Most of these are out of your control.

So, God, grant me a little more patience. Don’t let these things stress me. Don’t let the energy drain from my soul. I cling to you. God, hear my prayer.

“I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears” (Psalm 34:4).”

Please, share with a friend if you feel moved.

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