Stealing baby Jesus

Stealing baby Jesus December 16, 2010

Jesus saves, but who’s saving Jesus?

There have been a number of thefts at Nativity Scenes across the nation. It seems that thieves have been robbing the cradle, snatching baby Jesus from the watchful guard of angels, shepherds and parents.  

Without the baby, it’s just a crowded barn scene. Mary suddenly looks out of place. She was stroking her promised child, now her hands are brushing air. Joseph, bowed in humble prose, now prays for a rapid return. 

“Who stole our baby?” 

To combat the crimes, a company is offering free GPS tracking to religious institutions. Jesus gets a device implanted somewhere on his body. That way, if he is snatched, the church can track him via computer or mobile phone and they can notify authorities.
I’m totally serious?

jesus-creche       My first question is “who would do such a thing?” And once the deed is done, what do you do with the little figure? You couldn’t throw it away. And to give him away would elicit too many questions.

Now once I got beyond the shock, and then the subsequent sarcasm, I had to ask another question. 

Who has stolen the baby Jesus from me? 

Looking in my nativity scene, I see lots of wonder and excitement, but no Jesus.

The stars in the sky, looked down where he lay. But there is no Jesus in the hay.

I hear the herald angels singing and the cattle lowing, but there is no Jesus. 

I see the star of wonder in the silent night, but no Jesus. 

Where did he go, and how can I get Him back?

Care to comment?
Thanks to Bonnie Gray, the Faith Barista, who is sponsoring a jam on “Unwrapping Jesus:”.

Please, share with a friend if you feel moved.
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