Tell me anything but the truth

Tell me anything but the truth July 30, 2008

“God give me strength to face a fact though it slay me. “

Do we really want to hear the truth? Or do we want others to feed us what we want to hear?

That’s a tough question, because often the truth hurts us. You might not have the ability to acheive a certain task. No amount of effort will ever make you qualified. And that ceiling is painful one to bump against.

There are certain physical features that we can’t admit. A growing circle at the top of our heads, or hips that are wider than ever are reminders that we aren’t what we used to be.

As Red Letter Believers, we are called to honesty about everything — even ourselves.

What are some bitter, painful things that you are coming to realize about yourself?

Please, share with a friend if you feel moved.
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