“Thanks for giving me a shift on Thanksgiving” — What do you think about those who have to work tomorrow?

“Thanks for giving me a shift on Thanksgiving” — What do you think about those who have to work tomorrow? November 23, 2011

Here we go.
The Christmas, I mean “Holiday” Shopping Season is about to start.

Actually, it seems to have started sometime in October, with pre-black Friday sales at Lowe’s and Walmart, tree decorations in Sears before Halloween, and ads stuffing my newspaper and mailbox.

Traditionally, retail stores have started the big push the day after Thanksgiving. Black Friday for most stores meant an early opening at 7 a.m. or even 5 a.m. for die hards. But all norms are off this year. Stores like Target, Kohl’s, and others are opening at midnight on Thanksgiving night. Toy’s R Us is upping the ante and opening at 9 p.m. on Thanksgiving.

That’s too early for workers, who must sleep during the day if they are to work all night. And to me, it just seems insane to shop for a pair of gloves or buy a Blu-Ray player on Thanksgiving Day.

Most of all, the workers are the ones to pity for our binge buying. They are the ones who are paid far too little, and yet have to leave their families so we can get bargains.

One man, Anthony Hardwick who is a parking lot attendant for Target in Omaha, took it to the cyber-sphere and started a petition, which as garnered thousands of signatures. Most won’t be so bold. Happy to have a joy, they’ll just show up, coffee mug in hand and scan items and ask if customers would like to partipate in yet another rewards program.

The petition says this. “A midnight opening robs the hourly and in-store salary workers of time off with their families on Thanksgiving Day.  By opening the doors at midnight, Target is requiring team members to be in the store by 11 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day. A full holiday with family is not just for the elite of this nation — all Americans should be able to break bread with loved ones and get a good night’s rest on Thanksgiving!”

I for one, hope the early opening is a big, fat bust. While I am a fan of capitalism, I’m hoping that this time, the stores who participate in this won’t make any money and it will go down in business annals as a bad move..

What do you think? Will you be participating?

Please, share with a friend if you feel moved.
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