The God-Sized Dream

The God-Sized Dream June 23, 2011
Everyone has dreams. Admit it. Even you.  

Maybe it’s a material dream, revolving around a bigger house or a different job. Maybe it’s as heart-felt as empty spot across the table with a spouse or a friend. Maybe it’s an empty womb that cries to be completed. Maybe it has to do with a different location or destination in life.

We all dream.

Some are just silly. Like my dream to sit in a cabin, along a creek and just write. Or the one I have to stand in front of a crowd of people who refuse to let me go. “More. More. More!” 

Others are unrealistic. Like a job that doesn’t require me to show up regularly, yet pays me a tidy sum. Yeah, right. Or a return to the way things were years ago. Time marches on. 

And then there are others — those God-sized dreams that just require a little bit of faith and a whole lotta miracle. 

I believe there are four types of dreams — Those that are fulfilled, those that are delayed, those that are denied, and those that are suppressed.  

Of all those, the most difficult to live with are those that are suppressed. We’ve all had God put something in our hearts and then we spend our days denying it ever existed, or making excuses why it can’t be done. The shadow chases us all our lives. 

It could be a venture or a project that takes some guts, some glory and some pain. Doesn’t He own the cattle on a thousand hills?

Your dream could be about reconciliation, binding up brokenness. God is bigger than our ego, our pride and our shame and can heal up the wounded. What are we waiting for?

What excuses have you thrown up to keep you from chasing that dream?  It’s never too late to turn the dream suppressed into the dream

Is anything too great for God?”

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Ellis Island in New York City.
How many immigrants gazed out at Lady liberty, and dreamed?
Photo by David Rupert

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