The optimist’s guide to pessimism

The optimist’s guide to pessimism August 10, 2009

If you are pessimist by nature, you’ve got to be feeling a little smug right now. Economic collapse. Moral decline. Unemployement. Rampant corruption.

“I told you so!”

Getting some people to see any glimmer is nearly impossible. They have the uncanny ability to stare down the brightest light until they force it to go dark.

But, if we are honest, we all take some comfort in our grumblings. We revel in our mumblings. We willingly drag our feet and become slaves to the steady, droll drumbeat of an apathetic world. It takes zero work to look at the dark side of situations.

The Bible has something to say about this. And of course, it comes down on the side of having the right attitude. After all, that’s why it’s been called “the Good News.”

“Whatever you do in word or deed, do it as unto the Lord,” Col 3.23

Unsettling? Try downright frightening for some of us. To live and speak everything for God’s glory punctures a hole in the Bad Ship Lollipop. It sinks the comfortable, negative world I live in. It suddenly changes the world view away from me and my cranky attitude.

There’s plenty to occupy the mind of the pessimist. Bleak economy. Bad news. War. Kids who don’t respect others. Heavy traffic. Indigestion. Post nasal drip. You name it – and it’s happening in very real ways.

“Be positive? How?”

It starts with a different vision – a way to see things that are unseen. To see this world through the Father’s eyes.

“God, all I see is the darkness!”

It means finding good in the bad, hope out of the hopeless, and blessings out of brokenness.

“Lord, help me find meaning.”

Got a comment, In all the ugliness around us, how do you find beauty? Please comment here.

As Randy Kilgore says, “you were made to matter.” You are not on a cosmic path toward irrelevancy. Being somebody with destiny, with purpose and with optimism, will help you begin to change your drudgery to delight.
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