The tattletale: How to find the real you

The tattletale: How to find the real you August 18, 2010

We all think we’re so clever.

We have a public self.  That’s the person that comes out at work, at school, or at church. That’s the person we show our kids and neighbors, our spouses and our friends.

We work very hard to create that person.

And then we have a private self. That’s the real me. The inner-man who’s heart is so full of confusion, selfishness and hidden desires. I keep that self hidden from others, often even from my own probing mind.

But there’s a tattletale out there.

Everytime I open my wallet, write a check, or swipe my credit card, it’s a revelation of who I really am.

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also,” says Jesus.  I don’t think I like that verse, because my money is … mine. I earned it. I sweated it. I should be able to spend it as I wish, right?

But the truth of the matter is that my spending habits do reflect my heart.

If I spend money on mindless pleasures, pampering myself with the delights of this world, my heart isn’t in the right place.

If I spend money on constant entertainment, surrounding my senses with movies and concerts and events, my heart isn’t in the right place.
If I spend money on endless technology, upgrading gadgets and devices and computers, my heart isn’t in the right place.
If I say my heart is with the poor, or with missions, or with the church, but my wallet doesn’t cast a vote, then I’m deluded. If I speak of concern for my brother in need, but do nothing about it, then my faith is in vain.

How about you? What do you spend money on and do you think it reflects your inner-person?

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