Wasted time

Wasted time November 11, 2011
Sunday, March 21
There is a difference between working for a living and living to work
What is the fruit of your labor
Prestige-power-possession >  Adam/Eve/Jesus
Break the cycle. Satan is coming after you, but you have the playbook
WWII  Nazis had prisoners move rocks – back and forth
Siscero – move rock to top of mountain, only to let it roll down
Wise as serpents, innocent as doves
Made to work
Frustration with work
Wisdom in finding the right job
How to work
Goal of work – making it a career
A long obedenice in the same direction
Making a living or making a life
            Long term perspectives
A long obedience in the same direction
Parable of the shrewd manager
Sabbath rest
How to Find Satisfaciton in Work

            Realize Who Your Boss Is

                        Workign for the Lord  (I serve Jesus)

                                    Eph 6.5-9

            Realize What Your Mandate Is

                        Matt 6.10

            Understand Your Compensation

                        Col 3.22-24

Holy labor

Randy Kilgore

God created a world that functions on order; and requires labor for its tending. He created you and me to be a part of that order, to do that labor. Even when our acts at work don’t seem to have eternal significance, their very rendering fulfills His original commission to humans to tend His creation. 

     What makes our labor holy, what makes it eternal, is not just the work but the state of our hearts while performing that work. When we comprehend that truth, then we realize washing dishes is as significant to the Kingdom as operating on a patient; driving a truck is as eternally triumphant as leading a company. Then, even in the zig-zags of our careers, when life seems more random than ordered, when it feels like we’re running in thick mud with heavy boots, we can rest in the knowledge we’re serving God as we labor faithfully and diligently.

     Faithful service takes many forms. Let that form be the work we do today.

You wake up in a square house and drive in a square car to work in a square cubicle. You stare at a square screen for hours on end only to drive your square car back to your square home. After your third square meal you plop down in front of a large square television before lying your head down on your square bed….”

We put up with the pain as best we can but it isn’t long before we are peering into our neighbor’s workplace admiring their greener grass. We start fantasizing about tossing it all and running for the door to leave this misery behind for our coworkers…”

“My woman done left

An’ took all the reasons I was workin’ for

You better not try to stand in my way

As I’m walkin’ out the door”

I hate this place”

“2,324 days and a wake up call – and then I can retire.”

“They don’t appreciate me.”

“I can’t stand my job…”


Why do people talk this way?

Slaves, submit yourselves to your masters with all respect, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh. For it is commendable if a man bears up under the pain of unjust suffering because he is conscious of God.”

— 2 Peter 2:18-19

From a lifetime sentence to freedom
  1. Consecrate your job as a mission field

  2. Commit to personal and corporate prayer

  3. Pray specifically for those who are making your life difficult

  4. Find ways to be a blessing

  5. Look for opportunities to impart grace to your workplace
If a man is called to be a streetsweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music,or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, here lived a great streetsweeper who did his job well.”

Martin Luther King, Jr

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