What are you chasing?

What are you chasing? August 31, 2009

Some dogs chase cars. Some dogs chase bikes. Some dogs chase other dogs.Some dogs will chase after anything you throw at them. A stick, a frisbee, a can. Eager they are.

Then you have the dogs that chase nothing. They put on a show to chase every passing car or person, but quickly give up pursuit. Apparently its a game to chase for the sake of the chase and nothing else. There’s no reason or purpose to their pursuit.

Even as there is a canine chase, there is a human chase — and for most of us, it too is meaningless. When one pursuit fails, we simply go on to the next. Sometimes the chase ends in failure, but that doesn’t dissuade us.

Even when the chase ends in success and we catch the object of our desire, we quickly tire of the prize and turn our energy to the next target – the next purchase, the next sale, the next deal, the next next.

So, what are you chasing? Is there something meaningful awaiting you at the end of the chase, something deeply satisfying? Most likely not, unless you are chasing after God.

This pursuit is really the only one worth it. God is the only thing that can ultimately be caught. Everything else — power, possessions, pleasure — has a way of trickling out of your hands.

The chase for God can never stop, because you feel you have found Him, you will want to stop. But if you rest too long, He will begin to slip away from your grasp because you stopped. Our faith isn’t an event — its a lifetime of understanding and exploration of His nature.

But while we are chasing, a funny thing happens — He is right there with us even though we are seeking Him.

Jesus said “knock and the door will open.” The original language says “keep on knocking.” It doesn’t stop.

So let the chase begin!

Please, share with a friend if you feel moved.
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