What holds me back?

What holds me back? April 2, 2008

Our new friend, Bill Peel, the creative force behind 24 Seven Faith, wrote an interesting piece on the responsibility of everyone to do the hard work of redeeming – of changing our world around us.

He throws a fiery dart to the heart when he talks about the first century spread of Christianity. It was a revolution of mankind that grew from a “few hundred on the day of Pentecost to more than six million people by the end of the second century.”

But, according to Peel, the men and woman of the first century weren’t really all that special. They were “quite ordinary.” And “Before they were biblical heroes, they were someone’s neighbor just trying to make a living.” They were soldiers and shopkeepers, housewives and merchants. They were just doing life — and sharing a tremendous story at the same time.

In other words, they were chumps just like you and I – and they changed the world. So I have to ask – “What’s my excuse?”

Read the rest of his piece here. And don’t forget to leave a comment.
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