What if sloth were a virtue, instead of a vice?

What if sloth were a virtue, instead of a vice? March 4, 2011

I am frustrated at all the things I can’t get done.

Editing projects.
Retiling the kitchen floor.

Changing the oil in the car.
Fixing the squeaky door to the bathroom.
The stack of books that I need to read.
The breakfast date I can’t seem to fill.

Does your list grow longer instead of shorter? J.C. Schaap, who blogs at Stuff in the Basement, is annoyed at his inability to get everything done at work and home. 

“Industry is like piety, in a way–you can never quite do enough or be enough,” he writes. “There’s always more work lurking right around the corner, always more that could be done. We could all be better Christians, harder workers, more passionate, more productive.”

But deep down, J.C. secretly longs for “a healthy shot of sloth.” Read the entertaining Lament here.

Don’t you wish sloth was a virtue instead of a vice?
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