When others treat you unfairly

When others treat you unfairly April 1, 2013

Over the last few years some sharp barbs have been thrown my way.

Some were deserved, and I pull those out with the understanding they were fair consequence for my own behavior. Do the crime, do the time.

Other accusations  were patently unfair and untrue, but were flung with the same venom and velocity as the others.

I sit with all of their pointed tips, gathered in my lap. I look at  both the fair and unfair, and sort them out, hoping for some kind of balance in my favor.

But after a while I realize what a silly game “fairness” is. I fold them up in the old towel and throw them away.

You see, my life, and probably yours, is filled with contrast.

  • I’ve been a faithful friend and love. I’ve also been untrue to those closest to me.
  • I’ve been a passionate partner. I’ve also been dispassionate, turning aside my attention to the next big thing.
  • I’ve been a proponent of truth and its importance in life. And then I’ve told lies that have hurt those closest to me.
  • I’ve been a lover of God, serving Him. I’ve also turned my back, worshiping my own selfish pride.

So when I get to the subject of “fairness,” I often equate it to scales of justice. “Am I getting my fair share of (fill in the blank.)  But what do I really deserve? Am I entitled to compassion? Can I lay claim to forgiveness? Is restoration a guarantee?

And I don’t even get into the question of “fairness” from God. If I really asked for it, what could I possibly expect?

In these days and in these times, I don’t look for fairness from anyone.

Not the government.
Not from my friends or family.
Not from my enemies.
Not from God.

I cry out “mercy!”
And I’ll drink from whatever is put in my cup and I will be glad.

Please, share with a friend if you feel moved.
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