When the boss isn’t looking

When the boss isn’t looking February 9, 2008
“Just leave me alone, and I’ll perform.”

Ah, the self starter. If you are a manager, this can be a dream employee — a high performer that needs little supervision.

Independence is something I crave. And many of you love the same freedom to do your job.

But how do you act when no one is looking? Is there an unspoken shout, “Everyone look busy” that screams out when the supervisor comes into the room. When he leaves, a collective sigh exhales. “Back to mediocrity.” Do you do just enough to get by, fooling him?

Something is fundamentally wrong with this picture.

Whatever you do,” said the Apostle Paul, “Work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.” (Colossians 3:23)

The Christian worker has a higher calling — a peformance standard to meet that is tougher than the other employees. Paul continues, “It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” He isn’t fooled when we slack!

Your ultimate boss isn’t the guy in the tie that only comes to his belly button. Your supervisor isnt the woman with the click-click heels. Your boss is ultimately Almighty God. He wants you to work with all your effort all the time, so that you give glory to His Name.

And that High Calling is a heavy — and joyous — burden to bear.
Please, share with a friend if you feel moved.
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