When you aren’t “The One.”

When you aren’t “The One.” June 26, 2008

I often dream that I am tagging along behind Jesus, longing for Him to choose me as one of his disciples. Then, without warning, he turns around, looks straight into my eyes and says “Follow me.” My heart races and I begin to run toward him, when he interrupts with “Oh, not you, the other guy. Sorry.'”
— Mike Yaconelli

Too many times in my life, I have shouldered a task, believing that I was the ‘savior.’ I picked up the duty, thinking that no one else had the commitment, or dedication or (being honest here) the intelligence to do the job. The duty fell to me because of my ‘gifting.’ I thought I had all the answers, that I was The One.

And it wasn’t until I fell into a tangled heap, my secure ropes wrapped around my angles, my elbows skinned from the fall. that I finally got it. Hard to admit, but I wasn’t the right one for the task. I hurt my family. I cost my company time and money and goodwill. I hurt my testimony because of my pride. I hurt my reputation.

We have all repeated this scenario in our homes, in our churches, in our workplaces and in our communities.

There is tremendous freedom in admitting that you aren’t The One.

What is your story? When did you think you do something, but found out the hard way that you weren’t?
Please, share with a friend if you feel moved.
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