Why my plan stinks

Why my plan stinks August 11, 2010
I admit.
I’m a planner.
I’m a plotter.
I can even be a schemer.
From the time I was a little boy I was the “man with the plan,” so to speak. I was the one organizing the baseball game for everyone. I laid my clothes out for school – for the week. From places to travel to people to meet, I had big ideas all the time.
Cardboard Gods
Image by Brandon Doran via Flickr
And as an adult not much has changed. I do love a plan. For many hours of my life, every minute is committed, leaving little room for love, for friends, and for faith. The problem with incessant planning is that there is little margin for God.
You see, walking by faith means strolling with absolutely no idea of where life is going to take you. For weirdos like me, this is excruciating.
Bonnie Gray, who serves up the Faith Barista had a great post called, “Can Setting Goals become an addiction.”
She had to remind herself of a few things:
If I have God, I have everything. If I’ve neglected to intimately spend time with Him, I have nothing. My heart’s true joy is discovering new things about God, not the temporary highs of achievement”

Allowing God to work is the ultimate calling of His children.

And here’s the real question. Do I trust Him enough to let go of my plan?

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