Worry makes my life blurry

Worry makes my life blurry January 30, 2008
I worry. I come from a family of worriers. We’ve mastered it. I’m certain my family’s DNA comes complete with a worry gene.
What do I worry about? All manner of things, it just depends on the day. Lately I’ve been worrying about work. It’s been a turbulent time – like a roller coaster ride with lots of twists and turns. The workload has gone up and I’m worried about how I’m going to keep up. I have questions constantly running through my head: can I be successful or will I fail? How far can I push back without looking like a complainer, or worse, not being a team player?

As a man who is trying to be a Red Letter Believer, I need to turn to the words of Jesus to find the answer. In Matthew chapter 6 there’s a whole section on worry. Jesus tells us over and over not to worry about our life because God loves us and will take care of us.

“But seek first his Kingdom and his righteousness and these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

It’s not a cop out to trust God — it’s a smart decision that can only lead to peace.

And I’ll take peace of mind over turbulence in the heart any day.

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