You really don’t need great faith and I can prove it

You really don’t need great faith and I can prove it May 6, 2011

He’s held up as a bastion. A stalwart. A rock. Solid. And indeed, over his long life, there are amazing markers to prove his reputation.

  • He left his comfort and his home for the desert, with nothing more than a promise.
  • He had a child at an old age – and then was asked to give him up.
  • He trusted when there was no reason to trust .

But most of the time, he was just hanging on. That’s right, Abraham, the father of our faith, was really just clinging to a thread for many of his years. He failed far more times than he succeeded.

And that’s me.
I have some times in my life when my faith and walk were so strong, I could have walked on the water, moved the mountain, and spoke life into the dead.
But most of the time, if the truth were known, I was just hanging on. It’s interesting when people start to figure that out, how judgmental they can be. How shocked to know that I wasn’t always strong and solid, faithful and true. Hypocrite. Liar. Fraud. For dear life, I didn’t let go, even when I wasn’t sure. I guess that puts me solidly in the human camp. 

And I’m learning that’s okay. I don’t have to have all the answers. I don’t have to have the logic and all the cross-wires straightened out. I don’t have to peer into the skies and have all eternity look down. 

So, I just hang on. It’s far better than giving up.

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