December 17, 2015

The greatest news of our generation for religion has occurred. (Assuming, you ignore every other bit of news about Religion that has ever happened). Justin Bieber has been baptized and saved! Religious publication, GQ, provides us the story: “I want to know Jesus,” Justin Bieber sobbed to Pastor Carl. And so together they prayed. Suddenly, Justin was overcome by the Gospel, and he said, “Baptize me.” And Pastor Carl said, “Yes, buckaroo”—he really does call Bieber buckaroo, and now you... Read more

December 17, 2015

“As we manipulate everyday words, we forget that they are fragments of ancient and eternal stories, that we are building our houses with broken pieces of sculptures and ruined statues of gods as the barbarians did.” – Bruno Schulz A buddy of mine linked me to this article, entitled Does Prayer Do Any Good Against Barbarism? and asked my thoughts. I think it’s important to say first off, yes Prayer is a great way to combat Barbarism. Prayer is a great response... Read more

December 14, 2015

We’re in the year of Mercy now, and things are swimming. No doubt the Grapes of Wrath have been trampled, fermented and served in glasses at the Holiday Parties we attend. A few of us might even be breathing a sigh of relief as we lost our tempers last week and got out the last word in an argument, that cutting retort to our foes, or closest friends, and now that it’s been purged from our system, we can go into this... Read more

December 13, 2015

It’s been a good week and this blog’s still got that new Car Smell. I decided to go a different way with this post and collect up some of the books I nabbed in 2015, that might be of interest. 1. Quixote: The Novel and The World – Ilan Stavans I’m a huge fan of Don Quixote, that’s no secret. So when the 400th Anniversary hit this year, I was excited to see this book. Stavans goes in and talks... Read more

December 12, 2015

Today is a Special Day. It’s the Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe! Our Lady occupies a special place in the hearts of the Mexican People and has been written about in many places, by a wide variety of writers. Even those with a tenuous connection to the Church admit she has a strong presence and influence. Carlos Fuentes, Octavio Paz, Gloria E. Anzaldúa, and countless others have acknowledged how she is perhaps, the most important figure in Mexican identity. Some... Read more

December 10, 2015

There has been much recent talk of Gollum in the news. Beyond the usual Nerdom talks, there is actually a man’s freedom hinging on the question of whether or not Gollum is evil. Now I’m no College Professor or Late night host renowned for my fandom, but I figure I could take an attempt to write about it. For those of you that haven’t seen the movies or read the books…Idk what to say, you should probably go rethink your life. Also below this... Read more

December 9, 2015

‘There is no human being on earth capable of declaring with certitude who he is. No one knows what he has come into this world to do, what his acts correspond to, his sentiments, his ideas, or what his real name is, his enduring Name in the register of Light… History is an immense liturgical text where the iotas and the dots are worth no less than the entire verses or chapters, but the importance of one or the other... Read more

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