June 1, 2018

I don’t believe we can truly understand the Bible until we are able to “hear” the Bible.  And we cannot “hear” the Bible until we are willing to find ourselves in the Biblical narrative honestly.  When I am willing to see myself as Pharaoh (and not Moses), Saul (and not David), the Philistine (and not the Israelite), Judas (and not Peter or Paul), and the thief who did not confess, then I am able to truly receive a message of... Read more

May 25, 2018

Most evangelicals headed toward pastoral ministry, at some point, are asked to sit for what is called an ordination council.  Normally this happens after graduating from seminary or Bible college.  The purpose is ordination.  If the council grants their “amen” there is usually a follow-up ordination service and this person is then “ordained” to the gospel ministry. In the tradition I grew up in (Southern Baptist), and was ordained, the council was made up of our Associational Leader (an SBC... Read more

May 18, 2018

What are we to make of the US moving its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem?  While members of the Trump administration, in their nice clothes and bright smiles (see here), stood with Israeli officials, just across the way over 50 Palestinians, including children, were killed. But what are their lives worth, when “biblical prophecy” is being fulfilled?  Yes, you read correctly (see here).  I know, crazy, but this is where we are as a nation.  This is what happens... Read more

May 17, 2018

Michael Martin (see here) is the editor/creator of a new journal entitled “Jesus the Imagination.”  Two volumes have been published so far.  It is a wonderful journal. Dr. Martin explains its purpose: “Our intention is not altogether modest: the regeneration of Christian art and culture.” Dr. Martin was kind enough to accept one of my essays in the newest volume (see here).  The essay is entitled: Marriage as Transfiguration and Enchantment If you are so inclined, I would encourage you... Read more

May 11, 2018

From my last post you know I needed to make a decision.  For those who responded, thank you so much.  I heard you.  The consensus was that I go ahead and join Patheos.  I was leaning that way, so it was nice to learn so many of you were okay with that move. For those who preferred I not join Patheos and for those who gave caution, I heard you too.  I will keep this blog, or another, but it... Read more

May 5, 2018

So, before Unfundamentalist moved and started its own website, it was a part of the Patheos website, listed along with other Christian and religious blogs.  I’ve had my writings published on Patheos before, under the Unfundamentalist banner, but submitted them directly to the new site once they moved away from Patheos. Patheos, according to Wikipedia, is the, “largest English language religion and spirituality site in the world…”  Benjamin Corey is the managing editor for the Progressive Christianity page at Patheos. ... Read more

May 4, 2018

I like and respect Ed Stetzer.  He is one of the few evangelicals/Southern Baptists who understands and addresses the short-comings and failures of his own tribe.  He’s been willing to take some heat over the years for doing so, and I respect him for that.  He is thoughtful, intelligent, and insightful.  I believe he loves the Lord and wants the best for evangelicals. However (you knew that was coming…), I came across this essay in the online edition of Christianity... Read more

April 27, 2018

If we didn’t say it ourselves when we were kids, we probably heard other kids say it: “My Dad can beat up your Dad.”  We all wanted to think our Dad was the strongest, the best, the one with no fear and the one everyone else better fear.  Why? Because we wanted to be protected.  We wanted to know there was someone who would defend us and make sure no one would hurt us. But there was something else going... Read more

April 20, 2018

You can find my latest blog post here, where it was published on the Unfundamentalist website. I do want to take a moment in this space though and respond to some of the comments directed to my post on that site. To Doug I want to say thank you for pointing this out to me regarding Tourette Syndrome.  I had no idea and certainly no offense was intended. To “psileste” I want to say: good question.  I think one reason... Read more

April 14, 2018

The most important insight, I believe, the post-modern offers is the idea that the meta-narratives we inhabit cannot be proven true by empirical/scientific methods or indubitable foundations.  Whether one is a Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Secular Humanist, Atheist or Agnostic, whatever has brought one to that place, the reasons one believes his meta-narrative/world-view to be true, cannot be proven in an empirical/scientific way such that other narratives are clearly shown to be false. In other words, it is not a problem... Read more

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