9-yr Hindu Girl Studying to Become a Hafiz (memorize Quran)

9-yr Hindu Girl Studying to Become a Hafiz (memorize Quran) June 20, 2007

A 9 year Hindu girl (she seems to be a Brahmin?), Hemlata, is on her way to become a Hafiz! Hafiz is someone who has memorized Quran by heart. Her elder brother Ashish Vidyarthi is also trying to do that later after he is done learning Urdu and Arabic.

The Madrassa Madinatul Uloom, where she is learning Quran say it takes around 4 years but she is on it. And she is not the only one to do this. Many non-Muslim students have done this earlier. They have taken their exams at Bihar State Madrassas Examination Board.

Hmmm.. very interesting!

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