Jesus is the Slave of Allah

Jesus is the Slave of Allah June 27, 2007

I once met this mid-east guy who said to me that "Islam came 400 years after Christ so Muslims had to work harder at conversions and make up the time! That is why it was the fastest growing religion in the world." Hmm.. so it is all about winning the battle of numbers? Is it?

Is that the only goal of all those Mullahs and indeed the Christian priests? Apparently so. here ia a picture from England that says it all. I am amazed at the guts of these folks and the low level of their mentality.

Here is what the blogger who took this picture wrote:

Unfortunately after Mass today at Westminster Cathedral it was shoved in my face. Holy Mass on a Sunday is the very source and summit of the Catholic week, so my family decided this Sunday to make the trip to Westminster Cathedral together. As we came out about 100 Islamists were chanting slogans such as "Pope Benedict go to Hell" "Pope Benedict you will pay, the Muja Hadeen are coming your way" "Pope Benedict watch your back" and other pretty hateful things. I’ll post more pictures of it when I get more free time. It was a pretty nasty demonstration. From 11 – 3pm they chanted absurd things, literally just outside the Cathedral. And from 11- 3pm (and indeed all day, every day) like every day of the week, faithful Catholics and non-Catholics (mainly tourists) wondered in and out of the magnificent Church, largely ignoring the furore of hatred this crowd of muslims was trying to stir up.

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