Pakistan Passes a resolution for the Queen to withdraw Knighthood from Rushdie

Pakistan Passes a resolution for the Queen to withdraw Knighthood from Rushdie June 18, 2007

So Salman Rushdie is being handed that relic of the past – British Knighthood. He will soon be called Sir Salman Rushdie. Some people are not too happy. The Muslims are up in arms and the first shot has been fired from Pakistan. There have been huge uproars in various parts where people have burnt effigies of the Queen of England and were found shouting slogans – "Kill Him! Kill Him!". And there was a resolution passed in the Pakistani Parliament. This is what the Minister of Parliamentary Affairs had to say about this (note carefully the words in bold):

"The ‘sir’ title from Britain for blasphemer Salman Rushdie has hurt the sentiments of the Muslims across the world. Every religion should be respected. I demand the British government immediately withdraw the title as it is creating religious hatred," Niazi told the National Assembly.

Maybe that was a Freudian slip… but he is right! Salman Rushdie is not creating any religious hatred now.. the "Title" is! Or is it the reaction to the title?

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